And the way that I experience things, the way that I cultivate my relationships with people. It has changed everything for the better. I get to live with both sides of me, the ugly and the good. I can maneuver things and figure out what’s a good decision for me. The gray area just kind of becomes a little less.

She’s become a role model, teacher, coach and friend to many others who have struggled or still are struggling with addiction. Her story serves as inspiration and proof of the possibilities that recovery can bring. Above all, her story is a message of hope.

Chris Herren Speaking on His Addiction Recovery Story PeaceLove (

Something else that has also helped me to stay sober for four years is being open and honest with the people in my life. I have always been very public and transparent about my drinking and my recovery. Some people may not understand this choice, but the majority of people are supportive of it.

inspirational recovery stories

Two weeks into her treatment, Walker’s sister, who had been sober, relapsed and dropped the children off with a cousin. Walker was faced with a hard decision – stay in treatment or go to her children. Were you inspired by the stories of recovery from Carla? Learn about what Scott went through today. 16-minute inspirational talk delivered by Amber Valletta.

Science Daily: Mind & Brain

There are many resources in the Fargo-Moorhead area to help those looking to recover from their addictions, which ranges from F5 to the harm reduction center. “My network of people around me are amazing. Honesty started using drugs at 12 years old. She’s been in recovery since 2007, and is now helping others as a CEO of a non-profit recovery resource foundation. This National Tattoo Day, we’re embracing the creativity of tattoo artists and acknowledging the personal stories behind each inked masterpiece. Terry achieved long-term sobriety at one time, and she helped many women.

It was the catalyst that led me to surrender. Affleck has a family history of alcoholism. His father has been in recovery for over thirty years, and two of his grandparents were also alcoholics, with his paternal grandmother committing suicide aged 46. He has an aunt who was addicted to heroin. His brother Casey, also an actor, has grappled with his own addiction issues, and is now also in recovery.

Jules’ Story

Jules’ recovery has been as much about finding herself and living her truth but rather about reclaiming her life from alcoholism. Now with a new life, she has her confidence back. All of my peers were still at college partying while I was embarking on a spiritual journey. It was the most difficult and most brave thing I have ever done.

And my relationship with myself has gotten so much deeper, there’s so much more to me. The fact that I’m still breathing, that I’m still here… It’s really easy to write off the big things and focus on the small things. And the more that I honor the value that I’m bringing to people’s lives, the easier it is for me to stop making bad decisions.

Real life accounts of behaviors on the RAMP® to addiction, including depression anxiety and co-occurring mental health challenges. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solutions. I was leaving behind a lifestyle that was filled with pain and enormous tragedy and suffering.

As she tried to turn her head, her eyes widened with panic when she realized she was in a neck brace. The nurse said to her, “You might be paralyzed from the neck down and you have a lacerated liver. You had a bad car accident.” Tesha immediately thought about her daughter. What began with simple, childish curiosity quickly led to an addiction that she could not escape. As a non-binary young adult, Max isn’t sure where to start looking for help. Like most parents, Grace was concerned when her son Jacob began displaying concerning behaviors at home and in school.

One day she found herself secretly stealing pills from her sister who had been prescribed painkillers for an injury. When Jamie realized her sister would find out, she wrote a note admitting the theft. Without prejudice, her sister hugged her and told her she loved her, and that she wasn’t going to let Jamie die. Below are four inspirational stories of celebrities who have reached out for support and lived to inspire others with their stories of sobriety.

  • The information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for, or to be relied upon as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
  • Karen has over a decade of experience working as a therapist with individuals, couples, and families.
  • I compared the feeling of injecting heroin to an instant heaven.
  • I found this book uncomfortable at times and very funny at other times.
  • I stopped drinking throughout my 1 year of probation, but 2 days after it was over, I was right back at it.

However, about a month after I started college, I landed a job at the local casino and was attending school full-time, as well. My schedules were insane – work early morning hours, school, homework and work nightshift hours. This was happening 6 days out of the week. The 7th day all I wanted to do was sleep.

Alysa’s Story

After reaching out to Safe Landing Recovery for help, she is amazed at the transformation compassionate guidance and has had on Jacob. I’ve lived on both sides of the fence and the grass really is greener when you’re sober.“ I found out inspirational stories of sobriety that I can laugh, cry, and feel raw and real emotions without being under the influence of a substance.“ “We have these excuses and these reasons and they may be logical, but they’re not giving us the life that we so deserve,” she said.

I too was a high-functioning professional with a drinking and cocaine addiction. My addiction always took me to new lows, and cost me many jobs over the years. I very much related to her always feeling “less than” in normal life, and only becoming confident and alive once she poured alcohol down her throat. Since that day, August 4, 2011, Tesha has been drug-free. Tesha now enjoys a successful career and a vibrant and loving family with three children of her own and four stepchildren. When his back injury doesn’t get better, David can’t stop taking opioids.